By toastedguy - 01/12/2009 05:00 - United States

Today, I went on my first date in a long time. We went to see "New Moon." After the girl stole my hat, I grabbed her phone. While trying to get it back, she held a lighter to me, threatening me. Next thing I know my beard is on fire, so not only did I have to sit through horrible acting, I got burnt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 659
You deserved it 13 157

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Rellich 0

I want to say, "YDI," but no one deserves a psycho bitch like that...


SOUNDS FAKE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You're old enough to have a beard, and yet, you're going on a date with a girl so young that she wants to see "New Moon". The only logical conclusion is that you're a pedophile. I'm calling the cops.

ithatguy 0

originally we were going to see "old dogs" but we didn't get there till after it started (her fault) and so new moon was the next available movie.

You got BURNED... Crap, that sounded better in my head.

Are you stupid? You can blow out a lighter then you wouldn't be without a beard now would you?

I'm sorry your first date in a while went badly. However, did she mean to burn you? From the stealing the hat, stealing the phone, it sounds like you guys were messing around, kind of having fun, and she thought it would be funny to pretend to threaten you, and ended up taking it WAY too far. Although pulling out the lighter in the first place would probably have been taking messing around way too far even if she hadn't actually burned you. If she hurt you on purpose, then wow, shes a bitch. Anyways, again, sorry your date sucked.

Totally deserved. A girl who likes New Moon is bound to be ******* psycho. XD

PaulWeller 0

Yesterday, I went to see New Moon with a girl I really like. She had me pay for it, then hated it and left. Then went to go **** some dude and called me the morning after to tell me all about it. I think she thinks I'm gay. FML.

_adrenaline 0

YDI for saying New Moon was horrible acting, you beardless POS....

leyash 0

at least u know she's a psycho now. can u play the guilt card?