By Anonymous - 28/02/2015 09:04 - Australia

Today, I went through the nightmare of having to go to my doctor so he could remove a living spider from my nasal cavity. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 462
You deserved it 2 651

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hop on the nope train to fuckthatshitville.


Hahahaha! I would've gone back to sleep and tried to pretend it was a dream because nope. It's **** that shit o'clock. (The above is nervous laughter).

Garnetshaddow 30

I agree.... I really hate spiders....

BaDumTsss_fml 23

Did you go because you didn't think you were ready to handle the responsibility of being Spider-Man?

Wow, that's unbelievable. I didn't know Australia had spiders small enough to fit in your nasal cavity.

Sure we do, they aren't all huge, but it's the small ones that are often the dangerous ones!

IvyChennyChen 21

Well, you know the drill.... I'll get the fire, you prepare to be burned.... (it's for the best, trust me)

I shouldn't have read this right before going to bed.

And you live in Australia!? Oh god bless you.

pheonixxe 15

That is terrifying. I am so sorry.