By whatdidIdo - 03/09/2011 05:33 - United States

Today, I went to a restaurant with a girl I really liked. She started crying when an overweight family walked in and loudly sobbed about how the parents were "murdering" their children. This made the father of that family try to fight me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 822
You deserved it 3 808

Same thing different taste


muhilrashid 4
Mercedes16 7

She's right . But it's none of her business what other people do with their life.

Mokiikom_fml 8

With their life no. With their children's life, yes. They are killing them. And also, it's increasingly becoming a problem that concerns all of society, especially with the huge medical costs that the fat epidemic is causing.

Then that father is an idiot who can only solve problems through violence.

bigtaytay 13

the way out of this one is easy: grab the neatest dessert, throw it in his direction, grab your girl and RUN

she actually CRIED because of that? she needs some serious help. It's not her business.. its one thing to say something to a friend about it i.e. "Wow, those parents should not be letting their kids get that fat, its killing them" it's completely different to start sobbing and making a huge scene. Seriously...I wish I knew who she was so that when she walked into a restaurant I would start crying and screaming "Omgggg someone with extreme mental issues!! Her parents must not have raised her right! They're killing her by not putting her in therepy"

Actually, there is very little context in this post, she could have done it as a joke, she could have very obese parents, making her sensitive to the subject, or she could have gone through a phase in which she nearly died from being overweight, she could just be crazy, but you don't know that.

That was really rude of her. I don't understand why she would cry either....

that makes perfect sense if you dont think about it...