By whatdidIdo - 03/09/2011 05:33 - United States

Today, I went to a restaurant with a girl I really liked. She started crying when an overweight family walked in and loudly sobbed about how the parents were "murdering" their children. This made the father of that family try to fight me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 822
You deserved it 3 808

Same thing different taste


Oh wow thanks for the elaborated explanation :)) I understand now. You're awesome. Anyway I don't think his gf should even be doing that. :(

Richard16 0

lol and im guessing you were scared?

Well, that was rude. She has no idea why they might be overweight, maybe they have a medical issue that makes them unable to burn off that xtra stuff. Fyl I'm sorry

fthislyfe 22

exactly! I'm surprised how people jump to conclusions so easily...

oh please, medical explanations for obesity are RARE, not a normality. So the chances of the entire family to all have some kind of "disease" is unlikely. They are probably just ignorant and selfish for inflicting their own unhealthy eating habits unto their children and ruining their health for them.

MissBBGoodGirl 0

Agreed 15- my mom is the only over weight one in my family, when I was real young she got sick and the medicine she had to take was full of steroids. Like what 15 is saying, for some people it's medical

58 - it's called a genetic disease, so it would be likely that the whole family would have the condition.

94- genetic diseases causing obesity are rare, I highly doubt both parents had a gene deficiency causing them to be overweight on both chromosomes, causing the only situation where your comment would apply very effectively

To all those who say "medical issues that make u overweight are rare": I know a family of 6 that are all overweight due to genetic medical issues. Rare, huh? U just don't know their story

Sure they say it's a genetic disease but so do a lot of fat people. Obese people will often make excuses, just like alcoholics. Now I still think the gf was rude, because maybe they'd been trying out diets and exercising, had lost a bit of weight, and were going out as a special treat for doing well. You never know so it's never ok to judge.

I completly agree that the gf was rude, it was completly ignorant and judgemental. Truth is, u dnt know WHY they're fat, and it's incredibly rude to ask why so don't.

195 - You don't know why they're fat, true. BUT, 99.9% of the time it's not a medical issue. It's simply poor lifestyle choices.

ReynshineCutting 10

Sometimes you don't have to have a genetic disease to make you fat. There is a totally normal gene that is linked to increased risk of diabetes and being overweight. My family doesn't have any genetic diseases but I'm fat, my Dad's fat, his mom is fat...... No matter how we eat or how hard we exercise we can only lose so much weight before our bad genes say "No more". You can only do so much before your genes say no. I'm saving up money now for a tummy tuck in 10 years or so when I'm done having kids because that's about all I can do.

kroekdog 7

Ah you could waddle away a little bit faster than him

I dunno, just tell the man he can eat the date as a sacrifice to appease him. Win/Win?

that wouldn't work cuz the fat guy would eat them both XD

KiddFlash 0

I don't get it y would he want to fite u

GrammarNazzzzzi 6

eye loav howe soambuddy akshully maid a akkoont juzt tew bee gramer nahtsee

Richard16 0

u, r, g,u,n,a o,v,r w,r,k h,i,s h,e,a,d

GrammarNazzzzzi 6

I dont reelly go araund correcting peepol, i dont write perfectly all teh time.. I just saw "fite" and thought how dumb can yuh bee 2 write tht

I find it funny that people take time out of their day to correct someone's grammer over the internet. HAR DEE ******* HAR HAR

It's a sign of things to come. It gets worse my friend. Leave her asap

bizarre_ftw 21

You, my friend, are in love with a moron! Be sure to explain to her that there is such a thing as genetics and sometimes they do effect weight in a way that could cause obesity

I think you are more naive than her. Genetics rarely are the reason for childhood obesity and seeing as the whole family was obese and it took place in the US, it's probably down to unhealthy eating habits caused by ignorance combined with a fast food culture.

ReynshineCutting 10

BS that a baby will crave what the mom ate. My friend doesn't eat very healthy (and she's not overweight) and her daughter will only eat fruits and veggies. We tried giving her chocolate milkshake and chicken fried steak and fries and she wouldn't touch it. (We were not only feeding her that, we were trying to get her to try other foods and eat something more than just green beans). She's just a weird eater.