By whatdidIdo - 03/09/2011 05:33 - United States

Today, I went to a restaurant with a girl I really liked. She started crying when an overweight family walked in and loudly sobbed about how the parents were "murdering" their children. This made the father of that family try to fight me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 822
You deserved it 3 808

Same thing different taste


bargarlm 2

Sure you weren't on disaster date..? Sounds like one.

She must be soooo perfect... What a drama bitch!

stoptrying 9

So HE deserves it because SHE made the comment? Yeah that makes a lot of sense. And considering you don't know these people they could simply be incredibly lazy. Quit being ignorant.

daxter136 0

Fat people poke them then watch the ripples on his belly

When king hippo raises his arm, jab him in the gut mac! we have to get to bald bull at least!!!

gabrielleangeliq 0

What some people eat is not always a choice. In my supermarket there isn't anything one could deem healthy. I'm sure all the meat has been packed with hormones as are the vegetables. There is another supermarket about a mile away that sells healthy food but it would cost money most people don't have to get there and back. Not to mention the food is way too expensive for anyone who lives in my neighborhood to consider. At one time I had basically no money to eat so I was eating 50 cent honey buns and 50 cent sodas everyday three times a day. I gained about 20 pounds went to the doctor and was deemed overweight and told I needed to make different choices. Does that sound like a choice to you?

bullshit, it's not the cold case meats or the produce making them fat, it's the fried chicken and mcdonalds and the pop tarts and the 2 liters of soda a day. factory farmed meats and produce are not a peak of ideal food, but they remain far healthier than the highly processed shit most people buy for their kids

Mokiikom_fml 8

Meat and vegetables packed with hormones??? HA!! You're so ridiculous it's offensive. Food isn't healthier because it's expensive. You fail at life.

Mokiikom_fml 8

By the way, if you had drunk water instead of several 50 cents sodas a day, you would have had enough money to buy healthy food AND wouldn't have become a fatass. You came straight out of the movie Idiocracy, didn't you?

tls1679 0

Someones a little too emotional. Maybe she was on her period.?

It's always refreshing to hear misogynistic comments from other women.

Fat people bleed chocolate. Get strawberry boxing gloves and swing away

shali14 0

At least yu didn't get caught in one of his fat rolls.

I love how you used the word "liked" instead of "like".