By babysitter - 17/04/2009 04:14 - United States

Today, I went to babysit. I was told the parents would be gone when I arrived. I went and started playing with the kids. All of a sudden I heard a scream. I opened the parents' door with a knife in hand to find them having sex. I got paid so adults could get laid. While I was there. 6 ft. away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 567
You deserved it 3 809

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow, you were prepared to defend their kids with a knife? That's awesome. I'd hire you.


I'm pretty sure the FML is the part where they hired her so they could have loud sex a few feet away from her and their children, and didn't bother to even let her know they'd still be in the house, let alone screwing >_>

nikki1001 0

That's weird. When parents want "alone time" and hire a babysitter....don't they usually go OUT to do the deed? Why would they need a babysitter if they were just doing it at home? Was that the first time they've done it since having kids? Weird. Whatever, at least you got paid.

Um. OK? So what? They paid you. Unless you now *don't* want the money? #9 you are totally right. Of course we also need a ROFL button too :D

spongebobrocks 0

Agree with #9... Parents need some time off, too :]

They didn't think you'd notice? They should have told you to take the kids out of the house, at least, if mom's a screamer. ;P

Geeky_Warrior 0

Everyone is missing the point that he (or she) was told that the house would not have the parents there when he arrived. So if the parents were in fact to stay, they should have said so rather than lie like that. The OP had the right to call the police really, I would do that rather than go take on something with a knife.

FYL and FTL (**** their lives). I mean, think about it from the kids' point of view. They hear a scream and are informed that it's their parents doing it. 0_o I'd be mentally scarred if that happened to me. Also, they should have gone to a hotel. I'm surprised you even got paid if they're too cheap to go somewhere else. Final point: "I opened the parents' door with a knife in hand..." It's a good job the kids didn't decide to go play in mommy and daddy's bedroom. Would have been worse. #17, grow up. She's not a rapist just because she was babysitting and found people having sex. Use a dictionary.