By Username - 15/12/2011 06:57 - United States

Today, I went to eat the orange I'd brought to work, but couldn't find it. After minutes searching, I found it. Nailed to the ceiling. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 568
You deserved it 2 936

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Bro, the orange police probably came as hung your orange!

Heeeerroin 5

Someone's an orange hater! It's a sign.

dookiedoo 0

It's a sign. Eat more junk food.

You can eat fast food AND not be a fat ass, believe it or not. That "fat-ass" comment was unnecessary, ass-munch...

The key word is moderation, and maybe, just maybe, dookiedoo was joking...

cj7geojeep 0

Dookiedoo looks a bit like jack black...and I love fast food...and I'm skinny hahaha

It wouldn't even occur to me to look at the ceiling to see if my orange was there

rexgar2000 10

They probably looked up when orange juice started dripping down their face. Like in films, just before the monster attacks. OP should probably watch out and arm themself with a machete.

Yeah sorry about that, I get blackouts sometimes and I hang oranges on the ceiling... And rape pillows.

pink_rose2011 2