By Username - 15/12/2011 06:57 - United States

Today, I went to eat the orange I'd brought to work, but couldn't find it. After minutes searching, I found it. Nailed to the ceiling. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 568
You deserved it 2 936

Same thing different taste

Top comments


You must know your co-workers well to look at the ceiling what do ever I would've never looked there Fly op Fly!!!!!

There's an hungry ghost in ur office.hehehehehehehehe!!

flockz 19

C'mon gang. we got a mystery on our hands!

Scooby Doobie Doo, where are you; we've got some work to do now...

desireev 17

Scooby Doo if you come through, you're gonna have yourself a Scooby Snak!

Did anyone else ever notice that Shaggy is afraid of people in costumes but not of a talking dog?

desireev 17

Lmao I didn't notice that! Kinda funny when you think about it...

Ok guys, let's split up! Our suspects so far is the fruit cart guy that gets in the way of high speed chases, the guy in the meat isle, the Italian mob, and DocBastard. All we need is a lovable talking furry companion... I'll go see if Boners will let us borrow his opossum.

brick_man33 14

I didn't know vlad th impaler resided at your work-place. The only way to kill an orange is by driving a nail through the heart.

Do you Work With a bunch of 10 year olds ?? That's not even funny.

Not remotely funny. Absolutely fkin hilarious lol.

That makes your orange the one and only >>>>>Annoying Orange<<<<< Wazzup!

It was the latest episode of Annoying Orange, NAIL! Argh!

Bahahahahahaha!!! Amazing! Who nailed it there?

DocBastard. Ask more questions please...