By dypshyyt - 22/07/2014 23:20 - United States

Today, I went to my weekly AA meeting. It was a huge crowd and I was the guest speaker. Not 5 minutes into my speech, I was booed off stage and banned from further attendance because I accidentally wore a Jack Daniel's shirt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 108
You deserved it 56 557

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You'd think they'd mention getting rid of memorabilia.

I'm not sure why you kept this in the first place.


YDI you actually do. These are people who are trying to fix and save their lives from alcohol and you wear a Jack Daniels shirt. Think man think. That is so disrespectful. And I don't care how many thumbs down get

I think he was trying to 'fix and save' his life to. It's his 'weekly meeting', it's not like he wandered in drunk off the street. Maybe OP should be more aware of how he presents himself, but I'm not sure he deserves this vitriol. It's just a t shirt.

#22 it's not just a t shirt. Not only is it insanely disrespectful to wear that in front of recovering alcoholics, it may also trigger memories and feelings they have of their drinking days which is the last thing you want

But OP is also a recovering alcoholic? He probably just didn't see the connection between the shirt and the drink. I think it's distasteful, but probably a mistake. FFS he didn't turn up with a tray of shots.

I don think a shirt will cause them to relapse. Relax.

Maybe buy a mirror, or common sense. Your choice...

If people could buy common sense, I'd be out of a job.

You shoulda implemented it into your intro, ripping the shirt off in spite and continuing with your speech. Coulda really roared the crowd.

wildsweetchild 19

Well you kinda brought it upon yourself...even though you were saying one thing, your appearance was saying something quite the opposite.

So whenever someone who is dieting visits my house, I have to hide all food? Or close the cafeteria at work because some obese colleague is trying to lose weight? Stop treating adults as children.

Wow that's completely irrelevant. These people, including op, are attending a therapy group to help them get over an addiction that was most likely ruining their lives. He was obviously part of the group so he should what everyone else is going through. A more accurate comparison would be like someone giving a eulogy in a t-shirt with a grim reaper on it.

ninjuh_wingman 29

It's not just the fact that the OP wore the shirt. It's the fact that he wore it while giving a speech to recovering alcoholics about trying to overcome alcoholism. It's like telling people how to lose weight while eating a hamburger.

kotake 7

The problem is that a lot of people with an addiction are trying their hardest not to give in to the pressure and want their mind taken off of it. Addiction anonymous meetings provide support and try to offer some respite. So when you have someone who's basically a walking reminder of what you feel like you can't live without, then yes it's inappropriate. And yes, you should try to accommodate people regardless of the location. Basically smooshing cake in your face and saying how good it is while other people are trying to avoid cake is a stupid and dickish thing to do.

Also, if an alcoholic DOES come round your house then yes, it is actually best and respectful if you do hide your alcohol. I mean, it's your house, your choice, but it's the nice thing to do. We did that for our alcoholic neighbour because we cared...her family didn't bother though and would drink right in front of her and then wonder why she'd be unhappy or relapse. They were idiots.

Addiction is a very adult thing #21, it is a disease that can cause day to day struggles for those afflicted with it. By understanding their sensitivities - in this case an inappropriate tee shirt - and encouraging them to keep going is not treating them like a child. It's respect.

The AA meeting did not come to OP's house, so the analogy is flawed right there. My dad is 12 years sober and I don't bother hiding alcohol or refrain from drinking it when he comes over. I did both when he was drinking heavily, and when he first got sober, but he's earned my trust and respect back so it's not an issue.

#28, not it's not, it's like giving a speech to people with eating disorders while wearing a t shirt with food on it. It's distasteful, but not that big a deal. Apparently I am wrong in thinking this, though.

Well AA does meet just about anywhere find another one

Hmm, I've heard it's hard to find a good one in a nice pub. Shame really.

Accidentally? Are you Blind? How do you not notice you are wearing that shirt to an AA meeting?

You sir are a dumbass. A Jack Daniels shirt to an AA Meeting. I recommend using a bit of foresight next time

You kinda tempted them dude. You can not bring it up a notch and wear a shirt with a pot leaf on it to really mess with them for lack off support you. Sounds evil but you gotta admit it would be funny.

Respect101 17

Not really. Just seems like another addiction to add to it.

Uh-oh, I'm foreseeing the "marijuana isn't addictive, dude" crowd having a field day with this one! Just to try and forestall them, maybe weed isn't as addictive as alcohol (though the illegality has meant there aren't many studies on effects of pot-smoking, so who really knows), but it is possible to become addicted to ANYTHING that alters your mind or feelings in that way. Especially if you already have evidence of an addictive personality. This is coming from someone who likes to take an occasional toke!

Axel5238 29

You are an idiot OP, trying to get sober why would you not get rid of something like that? Also, I have a JD shirt the font is pretty bold and hard not to notice somehow. How did you not notice after putting it on? It's really hard to miss.