By dypshyyt - 22/07/2014 23:20 - United States

Today, I went to my weekly AA meeting. It was a huge crowd and I was the guest speaker. Not 5 minutes into my speech, I was booed off stage and banned from further attendance because I accidentally wore a Jack Daniel's shirt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 108
You deserved it 56 547

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You'd think they'd mention getting rid of memorabilia.

I'm not sure why you kept this in the first place.


Well honestly that wasn't very smart on your part.

dastiera 7

Should have just turned your shirt inside out

I feel that people are being a little too hard on OP.. people wear tshirts all the time without paying attention to the words on them. Or haven't you ever worn something and someone said "Hey your shirt is funny/nice/etc." and you have to look down because you forgot what you were wearing? maybe op got dressed that morning without thinking about the event and when the time came he forgot. yes he should have been more mindful but it happens... i have plenty of old tshirts that i wear without caring about what the logos on them are.

Seriously dude. Epic. Fail. YDI times infinity

Humanomaly 9

people are there to stop drinking, not watch you promote an alcoholic drink.

It's called irony! Man, they should be able to take a joke

This is proof that people these days are assholes

You could have played it off by ripping the shirt off or taking it off and tearing and announcing that you are "Free from the grips of alcohol!"

AA is a very bad place. They promote discrimination and lies.