By Amanda - 02/07/2011 05:33 - United States

Today, I went to the carnival with a guy I like. When we went on the big scary ride where you flip upside down a lot, he asked me to be his girlfriend. Then, I threw up on him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 621
You deserved it 4 746

Same thing different taste

Top comments



aww that sucks, would've been sweet if it didn't end like that! fyl

bigmanj28 0

lol,that sucks.I'm sure if he is a decent guy he would understand you weren't repulsed by the fact he asked you out :p

enonymous 8

This means you're married in some cultures congrats did you register anywhere for a gift?

I wouldn't worry, this is how girls always respond to my questions. However, that's when we aren't on a rollercoaster :(

jackiemoonthepro 5

if he is repulsed by you vomiting on him then you shouldnt be with him anyways! But still, sorry about that! :(

Magic1 9

I wonder how you would react