By juliasaman - 03/10/2009 23:17 - United States

Today, I went to the doctors and was told I would need an inhaler. My mom came back from the pharmacy and told me the copay of $35 dollars was way too expensive, so she is making me use my cat's old inhaler. My mom values my cat's ability to breathe more then my own. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 804
You deserved it 2 620

Same thing different taste

Top comments

First! And geez. Some of these FMLs border on child abuse.

tyop_fml 0

Dude... I just google imaged cat inhalers... your life really is F'd.


Erindub 0

I had a friend die of asthma as well. Your mom is nuts. This is totally a FML. I'm speechless.

First off, i have asthma, and its really not that bad if your having trouble breathing, just slow down and raise your arms over your head. Second, maybe if you lived in a good country you would get free healthcare. Us "lazy liberal socialists" in canada are doing quite well with our free market economy and a lower death rate. America needs universal healthcare. And its not child abuse an inhaler is not nessicary by any means and will not result in death if taken care of properly, any one who says different is a moron, "to put it politely". Back to healthcare, not only does america have one of the worst health cares in the world, republicans cant even recognize it. Britain, and france both have great systems for healthcare and neither country would be considered socialist, they dont let there people die on the streets for useless reasons. Its just terrible (sarcasm)

Using "then" instead of "than".... Because I've never read a book.

That sucks. Please tell your mom to check out the website, which is a site where you can input information to see if you can get a discount on medication. Alternatively, go to the inhaler's maker's website and see if they have an application to get assistance with medications, because most do now, and it doesn't take much to qualify. It doesn't hurt to try, and it's very important that you have a rescue inhaler available that isn't from a cat. Good luck.

See, I live in a civilised country (you can tell because we spell civilised with an s); we believe all citizens regardless of their financial situations have the right to inhale and exhale. Soft, I know. It's only a hobby afterall - I actually gave it up for a year and it wasn't that bad. Although it didn't do much for my skin tone, I actually lost a whole lot of weight - I went from like 65kg to 10kg in a few months.

It follows perfectly -.- She was willing to buy a new asthma inhaler for a cat. She was not willing to buy a new asthma inhaler for her daughter.

YDI for being in America. Rest of the developed world for the win!!!!!!

That's a pretty bad copay. To buy 2 Albuterol inhalers (a month's supply) it only costs $45. You're getting screwed pretty hard.

zedolor 0

damn the co-pay. Universal Healthcare in America NOW ! support HR676