By Anonymous - 09/05/2009 03:03 - United States

Today, I woke up and went into the bathroom and noticed a dark mass in the toilet. Thinking someone took a dump and didn't flush, I approached the toilet ready to dispose of it. That's when I noticed its whiskers and ears. It was a rat, and it was alive. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 927
You deserved it 3 571

Same thing different taste

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Today, I spent hours crawling through miles of pipe to finally reach the surface and escape the sewer. As I'm about to exit a toilet, a human comes in, thinks I'm a piece of poop, and flushes me back down the toilet. FML

Throw in some rat poison and flush depending on how big it was... if it was too big it might clog But it's a good thing you caught it before yo ass sat down on a nasty wet rat lol


I wouldn't have flushed it - that could have gone waaaay badly, I think. I love rats, but it's dirty to have a wild one. I would have tried to trap it in the bathroom and call someone.

You have successfully given me nightmares for the rest of my life.

Meowff 0

I would close the toilet seat and put something very heavy on it, and leave it. I would go call an exterminator, and have them take care of it. :P I hate wild rats, but I love them when they're all clean and from the pet store. They're such sweet animals, unlike hamsters and guinea pigs, which hate to be touched when you first get them, but rats, are ALL over you. :3

ebwaef 0

They're the same animals. How could you ask someone to kill a rat when you know how developed their emotions are? Have them trap it and release it somewhere else at least.

Aww, poor rat. He was probably really scared ):

eeew rats give me nightmares.. PLAGUE !!!! lol you definitely need an exterminator

Today, I was sniffing around for some cheese, when I thought I found some in a dark, dank round thing that had some water in it. I scampered up to the top, and but then I accidentally fell in the water. Next thing I know, a human comes and picks me up. Now I'm waiting in a cage waiting to be chopped up into rat stew. FML

did you flush it anyway? and #46 has clearly never ACTUALLY seen a rat...this isn't a pet store rat we're talking about.

showwstopper 0

that's really disgusting. Do you clean your bathroom regularly?


#47, rats don't carry any sort of plague, nor have they ever carried any sort of plague.