By Anonymous - 10/07/2009 21:59 - Iraq

Today, I woke up from a nap to hear my roommate having some intimate time with his hand. The slopping and slurping sounds along with the girly man squeal as he finished haunted me all day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 879
You deserved it 4 282

Same thing different taste

Top comments

excusemydust 0

I think the words 'slopping' and 'slurping', as well as the phrase 'girly man squeal' are vivid enough alone to haunt me.


LOL. The way this was worded made it completely vivid and ten times more gross. xD FYL, definitely.

i love how he said it 'Haunted' him. ahahahaha.

It's just you and your hand tonight... Don't worry. I'm disturbed just reading about it.

Wooow, what a creep. It wouldve been funny if you walked in on him and told him to get a room, then gave him some condoms and toldl him to get a girlfriend. XD

shewasalmost18 0


holy hell. this has happened to me my second year of university. i woke up one morning to hearing my roommate doing the five knuckle shuffle and couldn't stand to be in my room the rest of the day. after confronting him about it, he told me he didn't care who was in the room. i had to spend a year with him as a roommate and catch him doing the shuffle when i'd have friends in our room even. FYL mate. been there.

you didn't have to describe it in details lol

oh but i did, it was utterly horrifying all i could do is lay there stunned hoping it was a bad dream, only to realize after the girly squeal it wasnt......FML

chocoLIFE_fml 2
ithedarkknight 0

dude you live in iraq im guessing maybe your a soldier i could be wrong... tough times bro i think its great he is jerkin it sometimes you just need to let one loose bro lol not good to keep it all bottled up... for you on the other hand i know the more you try not to think about it the more you think about it... i would just call him out on it like make a joke about that you heard therefore you would get it off your chest that you know he was jerkin and maybe that way you will get some peace of mind...

not everybody in iraq is fighting a war dude...

AnotherStranger2 0

..."other hand". Lol. @OP: *shudders* DUDE. THAT IS SICK. FYL.