By Anonymous - 10/08/2010 16:34 - United States

Today, I woke up to find a tick stuck to my eyelashes. The only way I know of to get it off is with fire. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 455
You deserved it 6 916

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MusicXisXii 0

Fire is how you kill them. You can get them off with tweezers. Just make sure you don't leave ANY part of the tick inside of your skin or on your eyelash or whatever.


ahhh you dumb bitch, you don't get a tick off with fire, you kill a tick with fire. Get it off with tweezers or your ******* fingers. You're from MN, I am, you should be used to this shit.

nixibeast 0

Use small tweezers grab it's head and pull til the bastard comes out

Fire makes them vomit which causes infection

sniperkit 10

oh please you can sacrifice a few lashes. if it's attached to your skin, use tweezers and grab the little bugger by the mouth and yank.

Music_Goddess 0

cover it with Vaseline it will back out to breathe and drop off.

dude just pull it off, it's no big deal

altonio34 0

salt works too, so I guess you could just go for a swim at the beach maybe? I dunno but salt is supposed to work