By DrtySnchez - 18/08/2013 09:37 - United States - Statham

Today, I woke up to my 5-year-old standing over me with a pillow. I asked him what he was doing, and he replied that he and Steve were playing a game, but Steve said I have to be asleep for it. Steve is my son's imaginary friend. I'm convinced Steve wants to kill me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 987
You deserved it 3 656

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh no, not another Paranormal Activity! This will be like, what? 27?


flashback_fml 14

Well since Steve isn't real, in actuality your son wants to kill you

kittykat2345 10

Get him checked for schizophrenia, any violent behavior to do with imaginary people or friends could be more serious than a child's imagination. Sit him down and talk to him about "Steve", ask him if Steve talks to him or tells him to do things to people/himself that he sometimes doesn't want to do or feels that they're wrong, or if Steve doesn't stop talking when your son wants him to or says no to him. Could just be a game, but you should be on the safe side and check. I suggest taking him to a doctor or psychologist.

I like that you're suggesting that OP ask the child about Steve and the nature of him.

I suggest you seek help before Steve wants to play with pointy things

Ummm... it might be time to take him to a professional. It may be innocent but better safe than sorry.

I think you need to have a little talk with your son.

funsizedbecka 9

sounds like time to take your son to a therapist. or find the spirit and get it taken care of. at this age it could be either