By DrtySnchez - 18/08/2013 09:37 - United States - Statham

Today, I woke up to my 5-year-old standing over me with a pillow. I asked him what he was doing, and he replied that he and Steve were playing a game, but Steve said I have to be asleep for it. Steve is my son's imaginary friend. I'm convinced Steve wants to kill me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 987
You deserved it 3 656

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh no, not another Paranormal Activity! This will be like, what? 27?


yeeah might wanna get that one sorted out.. get someone to come check out the house and do a blessing on it.. kids pick up on spirits and energy so much easier then us..

also therapy wont do shit if its anything other worldy. don't waste your money just yet!

Sounds like something out of a horror movie

you should take him to a counselor... this could become a real problem. not even kidding my aunt adopted a boy whose mom did a bunch of drugs when she was pregnant which gave him mental problems, and this same thing happened to her, except she woke up because she couldn't breathe and he was actually pushing the pillow onto her face trying to kill her. who knows what the voices will tell him to do next? be careful op

My best friends little brother has an imaginary friend named Bumblebee who is demented and also thinks like this. I wish you the best of luck OP and I understand

ulissey_fml 22

He's five, and he has already come across a scene like this on the net or on TV or in a DVD ? Noooot right. I suggest you: -switch off whatever he watches alone OR watch and play with him -find more activities for him that imply real people: an art club, a pic- nic, a ride in the park, seeing his grandparents, shopping with you, an pool party with his classmates, ( in my country 5 year-olds all go to school), a sleepover...wait, maybe not that one.

Is Steve really imaginary? Or is there something paranormal going on? Personally my next phone call would be to a physic or your local ghost hunters. Seriously!