By bad luck? - 19/01/2012 05:44 - Australia

Today, it was my first day being a full-time paramedic. I was shot in the arm. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 123
You deserved it 2 682

Same thing different taste


SexyEmoGirl 5

Thts gotta suck ass, but hey, at least u knew how to treat it ;) theres an upside

emmiex3 5

And I thought I had it bad when I was spit in the face on my first day as a police officer. Sorry, OP.

Icing it would most likely not make a gunshot wound go away.

smoke_eater05 0

Shitty! I kinda remember my first day...that's why we carry vests in our ambulances

Op Shit happens, but in that line of work it shouldn't consist of getting shot in the arm ;/ PS: Pull out a Mk14 you should be ok :)

At least you got immediate care. That's not something people can just shrug off.

VasilisaUzhasnaj 29

You used to be a paramedic once, but then you took a bullet in the....nah, I hope it wasn't that easy to stop you. At least you were conveniently close to help!

Snafuusmc 12