By Maxwell - 04/02/2010 10:47 - France

Today, my 4 year old son thought it was funny to put money in the shredder. He stuck over 500 dollars in it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 485
You deserved it 114

Top comments

Why did you have 500 dollars easily accessible to a child?

Why was a shredder accessible to your four-year-old, for that matter!


I agree with 1 why the he'll do u have 500 in cash just laying arround u totally deserve it

bring all the shredding's to the bank they should replace it as long as all of it is there for the most part

people keep saying that you can't watch kids all the time.. while that is true, parents should at least be able to hear their child...and in this case, a shredder (which MOST are very noisy!)..... please don't have any more children, you're obviously too retarded to raise any. AND.... the kid was probably acting out in an effort to get some attention from you (while you're probably on here reading fmls)....i can picture it finds a stack of 20s and shreds them waiting for you to hear the shredder and come yell so that it can get some attention.... kids want any attention: bad attention is better than none.... i'm glad this happened to you.. ydi.

oopsohwell 0

hahaha ur child pimped you. robbed a hoe and ripped up her dinero bwhahahhahaha that sux tho umm no i lie bwhahahahahahaha

badbowtie 0

That's not an FML, that's just bad parenting.

rockstatic 0

The US Mint will replace the money if they can accumulate over 50% of it. You might want to try organizing it yourself before you send it to them, but I believe they do it for free.

This. It's a hassle for you, but it's better than losing $500.

Out of curiosity, if I had a bunch of 100 dollar bills and cleverly cut pieces of them out to make a new 100 dollar bill, could I exchange that in for a new 100 bill? Not that I'd do that or anything..

alex_vik 0

How did a 4 year old reach both $500 and a shredder? $500 isn't something you usually leave lying around on the floor, and my shredder is on top of a filing cabinet.

devilishD 0

you have $500 just lying around? **** YOU! YDI