By Maxwell - 04/02/2010 10:47 - France

Today, my 4 year old son thought it was funny to put money in the shredder. He stuck over 500 dollars in it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 485
You deserved it 114

Top comments

Why did you have 500 dollars easily accessible to a child?

Why was a shredder accessible to your four-year-old, for that matter!


nonnymouse 0

YDI You left a four year old unsupervised with a) a large amount of cash; and b) a shredder. Either of these alone would be bad. But both together? You got what you deserved. Parenting Fail. Next time don't neglect your child.

if you kept the shredded pieces and take them to your nearest Federal Reserve Bank you can almost certainly get the moneey replaced, I had a Doberman who shredded and ate over 800 dollars and I got most of it back by collecting poop and taking the pieces to the fed.

stick his face in there, worthless stupid piece of shit. YDI for being a stupid baby maker.

DizzyLizzy202 0

If I were you, #121, I'd kill myself. The OP has a child, so they deserve having their money shredded? You're an ass hole who deserves to die any extremely slow and painful death. I pray I can watch, too, just to say 'Pass the Pop-corn, please.'

U shouldn't have that much money out n tha open anyway... Definitely FYL 4 that one!!!!


dude that sucks he should be punished

ydi for leaving out that much money and a shredder in the reach of a child.

undissaplined son $500 shredder= F*cking STUPID! why did a little child have that kind of access

miz_kitty89 0

YDI for leaving out that much money. I mean, who has 500 dollars to just leave sitting out, especially in front of small kids. DUMBASS!!!

I usually have way more than that sitting around on payday because my bank situation is effed up XD I hate province specific banks, because if you move to another province you can't deposit, only cash...

Take the notes back to the bank and have them replaced. as long as they have all the pieces they can do it. you might need some sticky tape!!