By Maxwell - 04/02/2010 10:47 - France

Today, my 4 year old son thought it was funny to put money in the shredder. He stuck over 500 dollars in it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 485
You deserved it 114

Top comments

Why did you have 500 dollars easily accessible to a child?

Why was a shredder accessible to your four-year-old, for that matter!


I have to agree with idkweird in saying that it is pretty close to impossible to keep an eye on a four year old every second of the day. BUT in saying that, I believe that it is possible to make sure your house is as safe as possible for your child should you need to take your eyes off of them. IMHO, having a shredder where a four year old can reach it, is just not smart. Yes, the majority of them are safety proofed now so that it's extremely hard to get hurt, but you just never know. It's not that hard to unplug it and set it up on a high shelf or keep it in a locked office. Also, five hundred dollars in reach of any child is just absurd. But I'm not going to say that OP fails at parenting because everyone makes mistakes.

fylseriously 0

YDI who really has that much money laying around  slap

californiway 0

I would destroy my kid for that!!!

HeresReality 0

you can take it to the bank and they will replace any damaged bills with new ones. not an fml

You can still replace the money if it's still recognizable and if you have 100% of each bill he shredded. Life's good again.

twilighthotty 0

how and why did he have access to that much. Fake.