By embarrassed niece - 09/07/2013 16:15 - United States - Cumming

Today, my aunt had the wonderful experience of hearing my boyfriend and I have a very "satisfying" encounter after we stupidly forgot to turn off the baby monitor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 838
You deserved it 50 166

Same thing different taste

Top comments

assassinbanana0 20

Be lucky your aunt wasn't in your closet

why didn't she turn off her baby monitor instead of listening to you two.


At least you had a satisfying "encounter".

Why was there a baby monitor there?!

Chibitalia180 6

There's always a chance that they have baby monitors in every room so they can watch their kids from a different room. There's always another chance that it's one of those monitors when you can hear from both ends, so you can talk to the baby. The aunt might of been with the baby, and they might of been in a room with a baby monitor.

pengin 13

Why would you "get it on" with your aunt around, assuming she's simply over to visit?? I'm sure you could've waited an hour or so for her to leave to have sex. If she does live with you, I think you'd come to better accommodate your place to create enough privacy for you both-- ie be mindful of your noise levels/ turn off baby monitors etc. Basically, YDI.

Im hoping the baby wasnt in there with you guys...

boyfriend? You have a baby with him and he hasn't married you yet?

Really? Are you from the middle ages or something?

were you doing it in the baby's room?!!!

well she did have the option to turn it off