By embarrassed niece - 09/07/2013 16:15 - United States - Cumming

Today, my aunt had the wonderful experience of hearing my boyfriend and I have a very "satisfying" encounter after we stupidly forgot to turn off the baby monitor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 838
You deserved it 50 166

Same thing different taste

Top comments

assassinbanana0 20

Be lucky your aunt wasn't in your closet

why didn't she turn off her baby monitor instead of listening to you two.


mjzgirl1995 6

What were y'all doing have sex near a baby monitor let alone around your aunt?

Lots of baby monitor posts on here... Thank you for all the laughs lol

She must have enjoyed it, since she couldn't just turn the monitor off

Kat7595 10

You should have waited until she left the house...

Apparently riding the dog like it's a small horse is frowned upon in this establishment.

beccaboodle9996 11

No offense. But if you had a kid next time take some precautions. Like I get it. You weren't paying attention but jeez.

why were you 2 getting it on in the baby room? (I'm assuming that's the only place a monitor would be kept)

Is this the same Aunt that his in the closet?