By Jacquelinez - 20/05/2012 18:20 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I went mini golfing with his family. We had a competition going on, and when I managed to get two consecutive holes in one, he started seething and muttered that I'm dangerously close to becoming single. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 070
You deserved it 3 106

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is the part where you shove your putter up his arse and yell "HOLE IN ONE".


I had to reread this FML. At first I thought she got two consecutive holes in one in golf. That would have been amazing. When I play mini-golf I often get holes in one by other players' balls hitting mine in. People don't seem so impressed by this type of hole in one, but I just tell them that I'm just extra skilled, that I can predict exactly where other people will hit their balls.

Ok, but the description specifically says she got two consecutive holes in one

reddudeover 2

Tell him "Sometimes I get a good feeling, I get a feeling that you never never never gonna get no more wo woah".

A little competition makes things so much more fun! I'd be more determined to beat him at golf just so I could rub my winnings in his single's face. Who'd want to date a sore loser? Win, lose, bet me another day, but break up threats!? **** that!

if you choose to be with a retard you should be ready to be treated by him appropriately. YDI

With that logic, anyone who chooses their partner who ends up being an Asshole to them, abuses them, murders them deserves it, right?

correct it's like choosing to stab yourself in the eyes and later on whining that you have bad vision.

All you people are heartless, breaking relationships over mini golf. If he doesn't like you because you're better than him at something then sucks for him. He'll either get over it or you both go your separate ways. Don't bring yourself down to his level

#36--He's the one who would break up over a game of mini golf. SHE'S the one who should break up because she's dating an emotionally stunted jerk who gets mad when bested by a woman.

"Well, you're coming dangerously close to losing! Wait, where are you going? Get back here and fight like a man!"

He might have been kidding. I do that with my wife sometimes.

If OP is posting about it though, I doubt he was joking...cause pretty sure she would know if he was.

Or she can't take a joke. I know some people like that

truthbringer007 6

So? The boyfriend might break up with OP because she's going to win a round of Mini-golf. Don't you get the FML at all?