By megaladon - 28/06/2010 08:12 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I were messing around. When he slipped his hand down my pants, he scratched my pubic hair and said "scruffy, scruffy, scruffy." FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 900
You deserved it 37 465

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i don't get it.. why do most people want to make love to women that look like girls? i'm a guy and I don't like the look of a shaved snatch at all. its actually less hyegenic than having pubes. keeping it trimmed is fine.


terriibabiiix23 0

lol did it feel good? i know the hair down there can get a bit itchyy.... and i think your boyfriend was just being playful :) this is no fml...

missybopoo 1

You are all being mean. She doesn't HAVE to shave if she doesn't want to. And just in case you didn't know, there are a lot of downsides to shaving down there. It gets extremely itchy when it starts growing back, and you could end up with a heat rash (no pun intended).

why do pol keep saying "public" says pubic...

It said public earlier, but they fixed the typo.

missybopoo 1

cuz it said public but then the person fixed it.

katiebabygirl 0

Not a kid. I went to high school in the 1980s - I thought pubes were gross then and they still are. Clean, smooth and pretty FTW!

Glad to know you are one of those guys. "I keep getting older but the ten year old girls always stay the same" Pretty? Are you serious.. Have you ever seen a pussy in real life? Doesn't sound like it. LOL LOL LOL.

WTF is your problem. it's his preference. leave him alone.

treysgirl45 0

first time huh? I'm not a fan of the vag pubes myself can't blame him

chkchkboom71 0

lmfao u need to groom that ... NOW.