By megaladon - 28/06/2010 08:12 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I were messing around. When he slipped his hand down my pants, he scratched my pubic hair and said "scruffy, scruffy, scruffy." FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 900
You deserved it 37 465

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i don't get it.. why do most people want to make love to women that look like girls? i'm a guy and I don't like the look of a shaved snatch at all. its actually less hyegenic than having pubes. keeping it trimmed is fine.


welandedonthemoo 5

u deserve it for not shaving

YDI for not shaving. Wow I thought all girls shaved these days. It's disgusting and unsanitary to have a bush down there. I don't know how you stand it.

ew!! ydi for having pubic hair that qualifies as "scruffy" if someones gonna be touching or seeing it.

131- I don't want some dumb guys hand down my pants. They've got no business down there.

WingsFan80 4

it has a lot of business being there in the right situation.

teemoneyyyy 0
WingsFan80 4

what's with all these people from Cali having premarital sex?

#166 I'm pretty sure premarital sex is universal and not just limited to California. Not that I have anything against premarital sex, because I certainly don't...

B3CC4 0

shave that shit!! :P haha jk op it's alright I shave but every once and a while there is a little scruff... hahaha

Bowen27 0
teemoneyyyy 0

haha whaaaa? ohh man this is just grand.