By Anonymous - 15/02/2012 05:18 - United States

Today, my boyfriend broke up with me because I don't understand the bond between him and his stuffed goose. He's 36. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 796
You deserved it 5 882

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sometimes I am sad that evolution seems to skip some people. On the bright side OP, you can now strenghten the bond between you and your vibrator.


Yeah, guys who are worth a shit are already married by 36.

RedPillSucks 31

I thought this was funny because you're comment is #36. I'm easily amused.

M0rt 0

Featheries? Not a word but it will work for me :)

Justin Bieber, NO! Matthew Gray Gubler, YES. And MGG effing rules. Now, that we have that out of the way. Every once in awhile I like to be Captain Obvious. Okay? Okay. Let's roll with this.

CenterOfTheEarth 0

Depending on which definition of "stuffed" you mean, it could have meant alot to him. If you mean stuff as in a teddy bear stuffing, maybe someone gave it to him before they died. It could have a great sentimental value to him. Maybe he got it as a present when he was a kid and it always stayed important to him. You dont judge someone like that. I have a little stuffed bear that my grandmother gave me before she died. I wouldn't give that for the world. Doesn't mean im childish. It just has value to me.

Sex or a toy goose, sex .... Or a toy goose. And he picked a toy goose... Sex must of not been good.

And all I can think of is the epic romance between swan and pedalo...

That's pretty funny, fyl. You should try to be more understanding with your next boyfriends infant like addictions