By Itstrickyyxx - 25/07/2012 18:08 - United States - Erie

Today, my boyfriend got a new job. He'll be over the road for three weeks at a time, and home on the remaining week. Basically, I'll see him once a month. Guess which time of month it'll fall on. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 570
You deserved it 3 169

Itstrickyyxx tells us more.

Itstrickyyxx 6

OP here again. Wow i haven't been on this site in forever. I can't even see him every month now, I see him every few months, and of course, ALWAYS ON MY PERIOD. That's life I suppose. And no I can't do birth control to EVERYONE who said it, all kinds effected me badly! :)

Top comments

BubbleGrunge 18

Hope your boyfriend isn't afraid to sail the red seas...

Bloody hell. Talk about horrible biological timing.


Hangout with a bunch of girlfriends and you'll end up on their cycle. Or you could atleast meet in the middle.

I'm going through that now. Accept I only see him on the weekend every 2 weeks for a night.

Get birth control pills to try and re-adjust your clock

The pills don't do **** all. Iuds do though they stop it all together for the most part.

Me and my ex had the same problem but he didn't care at all, he called it his bloody victory.

Yeah, that sucks. I feel sorry for both you guys.

Itstrickyyxx 6

Hey guys. OP here. He's not a truck driver, he has a pretty damn good paying construction job. There ARE other jobs besides truck driving that require long times away!! Also, it will be for at least 2 years :(

Great to hear from an OP! Thanks. Your doc will have work-arounds for you. Best of luck to you and your guy.

Aww, this sucks! But as suggested before, play around with birth control. If youre not into pills, there are patches, injections, and implants to help too! Two years is a long time, but if you're both willing it can be done. Best of luck!

My hubby goes away for two weeks and is home for two weeks. For the first few month he was home during my time of the month but now my cycle has changed and i get it while he's gone. It's not totally hopeless. It'll work out :)

redhedsaysrawr 18

i vote with the cups you insert... i dont think other things are all that safe in my opinion to "play around with"

The cups may be a bit messy, but hormonal birth control has serious effects on a woman's entire body. Pills and injections don't magically make one able to control nature. Even if you can skip periods, the long term effects range from dark sun spots on your skin to decreased fertility to blood clots and so on. Sorry to be a downer, but this is quite serious. Good luck OP.

If you're on the pill, it's really easy. I did it too to change my cycle. You just keep taking the pills until you get to the week you want to get your period in. Your cycle will adjust to it very easily. This way you will never have your period when he's home.

Which 277 just got finished saying was dangerous.

My best suggestion to you is birth control that causes you to only have a period every three months so you can still enhoy some sexy time with your guy :)

coolbrony12 3

What's the time of the month? Don't leave us hanging OP.

Unless your time is very very rigid, this will probably work itself out...

stormracer101 5

Well, hopefully he will get a local gig after he gets enough experience (assuming trucking) and be home more often. I did. But sorry for the initial job timing.