By Anonymous - 16/03/2013 00:12 - France - Bourges

Today, my boyfriend still won't talk to me, after I caused him the "worst embarrassment" of his life in front of his friends. What did I do wrong? I joined their conversation and ended up confusing the fictional characters of Gollum and Yoda with one another. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 743
You deserved it 64 536

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Not strong is the force in you, my precious.

Maybe you shouldn't join conversations if you don't know what they're talking about.


ReepingHavoc 13

the ratio of FYL to YDI sais it all.

beanthemouse 13

I have not even seen Star Wars or Lord Of The Rings (no hate please) and I know the main diffrences between those two. But with the OP she might have known who they were and the diffrences, and it was a case of mixing up the names.

beanthemouse 13

Just like what 75 said, if he is gonna just completely ignore you and desert you beacuse you mixed up somthing, he has a problem and is overreacting. He should just lecture you about the movies and you two watch them insted of acting like a 1st grader about it. YDI for not knowing the simple diffrence between Gollum and Yoda, but FYL for not having a more mature boyfriend.

beanthemouse 13

I do not get why I am getting thumbed down, I suggested that he should watch the movies with her to lecture her. Do you guys really think its better to ignore her and cry over it insted?

hazardmuffin 21

He may be overreacting a bit here. What he should be doing is sitting you down to watch both series to cure this ailment you're clearly suffering from.

purplexpinapple 11

Okay, odd, but I get why. But what were they talking about, Star Wars or Lord of The Rings?

Of course not! They were talking about unicorns. ...How did you not get that?

YDI for trying to pretend to be smarter than you are. Just admit you don't know, and protect yourself from looking like an idiot.

osm1989_fml 6

At first, I was surprised by the staggering number of you-deserve-its, and then I remembered, oh yeah, this is the internet...

What rock are you living under where you don't know the difference between Yoda and Gollum? I would be embarrassed too. YDI

Nect time they talk just stand beside, smile and wave :)