By Anonymous - 16/03/2013 00:12 - France - Bourges

Today, my boyfriend still won't talk to me, after I caused him the "worst embarrassment" of his life in front of his friends. What did I do wrong? I joined their conversation and ended up confusing the fictional characters of Gollum and Yoda with one another. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 743
You deserved it 64 536

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Not strong is the force in you, my precious.

Maybe you shouldn't join conversations if you don't know what they're talking about.


The amount of "you deserved it" shows the type of people on here

I feel your boyfriend's pain, I would do the same if my guy did that

74 - It was the Battle of Geonosis. But, on behalf of us former keepers of the Jedi Holocron, we appreciate the attempt. One day, you too can get your Padawan 'rat-tail' clipped and be a -real- Jedi. - Much Massassi kisses, Darth Sidious

Shame on you "-.- yoda is awesome wtf is wrong with you?

OP, your BF could've handled it a lot better. But really, if he walked into a conversation your friends were having and confused Snooki for Honey Boo Boo, you'd feel the same. It takes time to become geek-climated as my GF did, and now she out-geeks me most days. I'll leave you with some Words of Wisdom (+8 against Non-Geeks) from my own GF on this matter... "If you can't take the Geek-Heat, then you really shouldn't be throwing people's jewelry into the fires of Mount Doom."

scott82 5

Sounds like a keeper, hang onto that grown up.

KareBear7364 5

well seeing the feedback on the matter, sounds like most are siding with your BF. I do as well. Needless to say, learn the ways of us nerds and you'll be okay:)