By confused - 28/09/2011 04:55 - Australia

Today, my boyfriend told me that having sex with me was as good as eating crispy bacon. I don't know if I should feel complimented. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 222
You deserved it 8 726

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yes you should, cause there is nothing better than crispy bacon

saIty 17

Wow you should feel honored. That is one of the most complimentary compliment I have heard in my life. Be proud you know how to work it girl.


I would love someone that taste like crispy bacon :-)

If he compared it to bacon then your good!

Put bacon between your legs and enjoy ;)

Of course it's a compliment, bacon is delicious!

alinka_fml 0

you should definetly feel complimented. unless he's a vegetarian ;)

perdix 29

I'd think it's even more of a compliment if he's a vegetarian. It means she's his hot, secret, guilty, naughty pleasure. How boner-producing is that!

lwilso41 5

definitely feel complimented! crispy bacon=amazing, therefore you=amazing (possibly)

MsMeiriona 2

That's quite the compliment. I wonder if there's any bacon in the house, now I'm craving it....