By failure - 15/10/2014 01:06 - United States - Loomis

Today, my boyfriend told me that he'd feel like a failure if he went to community college. I'm planning to go to community college next year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 371
You deserved it 4 990

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least you're moving ahead. Don't worry, you'll be fine. :)

College is expensive as hell. You'll save a ton of money by going to a community college and as long as you still get a degree from a good school you'll be fine.


toomanyidiots 14

Community colleges are a good way to save money, but if you want to go into academia (or even medicine) I'd focus on transferring to another (four-year) school that would grant you better opportunities. Something to keep in mind: many universities (even my own) have very strict standards concerning community colleges. For example, if you want a calculus course to count towards your major (ex. any BCPM major) you may only need to get a C- from a 4-year university, but if you're transferring into a 4-year, you'll need an A or A- from a community college.

A lot of the professors at community colleges are the same ones teaching at four year colleges. Just be thankful for the money your saving. Besides the only thing people look at is where you finished school not where you started

I'm sorry about your boyfriend, but there's no shame in going to community college. My ex-boyfriend always shamed people who went to community college after high school, but he was just a rich, elitist asshole.

I went to a community college for my first 2 semesters. It's A LOT cheaper and not nearly as much pressure. You have time to decide if you aren't quite sure yet. Honestly if you're a highschool student and are nervous about college, go to your local community college for your first 2 years. There is NOTHING wrong with community college regardless of what people say. They're just stupid. It'll be a great life decision. You will save a lot of money this way and will really be able to find yourself/your passion.

Dordanni 10

I applied for grad school this year, while sitting down with my top choice grad school, they told me "don't bother applying here, you went to a community college and won't be considered" I'm on the deans list for this school, and they denied my application because I took summer courses at the community college. I am going to attend my second choice grad school, but because of this outcome and situation, the community college route was a bad choice on my part, and admissions made me feel like a complete failure for doing it.

Not to be cliché, but you'll probably be happier at a school that isn't ostensibly run by a bunch of bourgeois cocksuckers.

parkwaydrive7 9

Some people just don't realize that going to a community college Is so much more cheaper. I got my degree through a CC and couldn't be more proud of it! Look at this way if you and your boyfriend are still together down the road you can laugh at his crippling debt and ask "who's dumb now?"

my ex said the same thing since i go to a cc and she had went to RIT. People are ******* assholes. Dont let them get you down OP, all the commenters who have been more or less supporting ur bf are just pricks with mommy n daddy money or an extremely extremely inflated ego.

Who cares what he thinks. You are going to college :) congrats!

Community college is NOT for failures! SO many idiots overlook what a community college can provide. #1 it gives you general education courses TRANSFERABLE to most universities in your state for cheap #2 it gives those who want a slower transition the opportunity to test out different paths #3 EASY commuting. No OP you are not a failure. In fact you are probably smarter than some of the idiots who drop $50,000 on a university and then change their minds midway through.

Different educations suit different people, just because community college isn't right for your boyfriend, does not mean it is not for you.