By Snufflopagus - 01/01/2014 13:26 - United States - Lynnwood

Today, my boyfriend told me that sometimes my nipples taste like onions. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 468
You deserved it 10 587

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sometimes we really are what we eat... Might wanna check your diet then OP...

Well, does he like onions...? It could be a compliment


rob02 19

Should probably take a shower more often.

ilovemychem 22

What a horrible time that must've been...

Wizardo 33

Hey if they're fried and caramelised l it may not be such a bad thing and I'm sure its just sweat as long as he's not grossed out by it.

CheeseTron 15

onions are pretty good though...

that is the most awful statement ever.. u might wanna google that .. !

Stick to the routine of showering every morning or night

sterling1113 15

Well maybe if he washed his hands after cutting onions and before groping you he wouldn't have that problem. :P