By Anonymous - 27/08/2014 21:56 - United States - Hermiston

Today, my brother thought jumping out and punching me in the stomach would cure my hiccups. Yeah. Didn't work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 435
You deserved it 3 272

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sorry to hear that man. It sounds like a gut wrenching situation

Should hit him back. You know, "preventive measures" so he doesn't even get the hiccups.


Koizumiii 23

That sounds kind of ridiculous... XD

its okay I've been punched in the throat before.. my brother said trust me I know how to get rid of hiccups.. last time I dis anything when he said trust me.

punch him back when HE gets the hiccups

RedPillSucks 31

It's funny that you thought he was trying to cure your hiccups

Was he trying the JAPAN (Jumping And Pumping At Night) technique ?

darlingdollie 24

Punch him in the stomach by surprise to see if it causes hiccups ;)

Spoonful of peanut butter dude. Always works.

Rowdyyy91 10

Maybe jumping out and punching him will cure his stupidity.