By dad - 29/06/2009 16:38 - United States

Today, my daughter had just left for a date with her boyfriend. All of a sudden, she runs back in the house screaming "I forgot to take my birth control!" That is not something a father wants to hear. FML
I agree, your life sucks 503
You deserved it 52

Top comments

treli1593 0

WHY would she even say that around you?!

Something to keep in mind: Not all girls who take birth control are having sex. Even girls who have boyfriends and are taking BC aren't necessarily having sex. However, it's also really important for girls to take their birth control /every day/ at a specific time, otherwise it really messes up her body. For all anyone knows, she suddenly realized she hadn't taken it that day, and panicked. ... or maybe she's having sex with her boyfriend.


alex_vik 0

That's when you don't allow her to leave the house.

Meowff 0

If I were her dad, I would scream at her to go to her room and forget about the date. She doesn't need to be taking it anyway, and if she did need it, you'd know about it from the doctors. So, no, it's probably not for medical reasons.

ohhhhshizzz 0

Are you stupid. Most girls go to the doctor by themselves because the go to the gyno. There is doctor patient confidientiality so no he wouldn't hear it from the doctor. You really are an idiot and know nothing about women.

alex_vik 0

You're talking to a woman you dumbass.

yu can be a woman and still don't know anything about it :)

Being a woman and still not knowing any doctor isn't allowed to say anything to anyone at all makes you an even bigger dumbass.

LavaMonster 0

Ehh, FYL that she could be doing the no no cha cha, but if she's gonna do it, at least she's taking pre-cautions.

I think the bad part of that isn't that she's comfortable enough to let daddy know she's on the pill but that she has issues remembering to take it.... or maybe instead of daddy I should have typed 'soon to be gramps'.

what makes birth control safe? look at all the hazardous side effects that it causes, the side effects are worse then the potential of getting pregnant.

ohhhhshizzz 0

....Uh birthcontrol isn't only about not getting pregnant you know that right?

cici_catastrophe 0

well it could be bad to forget it. I take bc because i have a medical reason.

You are only thinking about the pill, there are no side effects on using condoms (except, maybe, latex allergies)

Pretty much all prescription medications have side effects. What's your point? Not everyone experiences the side effects anyway.

bexox 0

Most women can take some form of it. Not all can. Wow, I guess that's why you have to see a doctor to get it.

Boohoo, everything has side effects. Eating too much makes you sick, certain foods make you gassy, taking Excedrine migraine pills can make your stomach bleed, etc. Point being, if you live by that rule, lock yourself in your closet and hide from every outside influence because they all have potential side effects. Oh wait, even hiding from everything has side effects. Well seems like you're just screwed.

It was my Dad's idea for me to go on the pill... Not all Dad's are weird about contraception.

onealhart54 0

at least she has a conciouns. she is being very safe

That wasn't meant to be funny, moron. It was mean to show how it was worse for the girl than it was for her father! Anyway, OP, just be glad that she's at least being careful. Would you rather that she used absolutely no birth control whatsoever and wound up pregnant a few weeks from now? Okay, using the pill isn't the safest way to have sex (as you can still get STDs), but she's making somewhat of an effort.

"just be glad she's careful".. well thats one thing, but it depends how old she is. If she's a teen then fyl for sure.. sorry to hear that.

I hate people that make up fake stories.

cms70 0

I hate people that lead such pathetic lives that all they do online is bitch about how people make up stories.