By dad - 29/06/2009 16:38 - United States

Today, my daughter had just left for a date with her boyfriend. All of a sudden, she runs back in the house screaming "I forgot to take my birth control!" That is not something a father wants to hear. FML
I agree, your life sucks 505
You deserved it 53

Top comments

treli1593 0

WHY would she even say that around you?!

Something to keep in mind: Not all girls who take birth control are having sex. Even girls who have boyfriends and are taking BC aren't necessarily having sex. However, it's also really important for girls to take their birth control /every day/ at a specific time, otherwise it really messes up her body. For all anyone knows, she suddenly realized she hadn't taken it that day, and panicked. ... or maybe she's having sex with her boyfriend.


so would you rather have your daughter get knocked up? That's WHY she's on the pill. Smart kid.

His daughter could be 30. It's just one of those things you don't want to hear your child say.

mrose57 0

I sympathize, believe me. but would you rather she remembered her birth control or made you a grandpa?

maybe she was taking BC to releive her PMSing like in all those friggin commercials say about birth control and periods and stuff ew and I should just say that she shouldn't have yelled that, she must be so embarassed

How old is your daughter? Age is significant here... if she's 16 or 17 as opposed to 23..then yeah, I couldn't agree more with you.

CyclonePsycho 1

It's pretty obvious that some of you guys aren't parents and are speaking from a disgruntled teenager's point of view. There are some things a father would rather not know about it. It may seem unreasonable, but when the realization hits that your baby girl just isn't your baby girl anymore some men just panic. I don't blame the OP, I only hope that he thinks through completely what he is going to say to her. But congrats on having at least a semi-responsible daughter. Now we just need to work on her memory. ._.

happygoluckyhh 0

No offense, but your daughter is a ******* idiot. Who the hell screams that shit even if he knew about her being on the pill? That's as bad as screaming, "Hey Mom and Dad, I'm going to be a little late tonight because I will be ******* my don't worry if I show up past curfew. Love you!" Congrats! You raised not only a ****, but a dumb ****.

**** = someone who sleeps with numerous men. OP's daughter = someone who seems to be only sleeping with her boyfriend, if even that. You, on the other hand = ignorant asshole.

kellster 2

Personally, if you raised a kid who's out having sex and doesn't mind letting you know, then I would think you would be all too glad to hear that she was using birth control. There's something wrong with this: either you were a pretty lax parent (or else why wouldn't she be taking serious pains to hide what she had forgotten from you??), in which case you have no right to be upset with the consequences of your own parenting, or you've just got a really stupid daughter. In which case, be glad she's taking precautions not to breed.

I'm pretty sure you need to wake up and smell reality. Sex no longer has the "wait until marriage" stigma that it used to have in the 70's. It is true young people are having sex at a younger and younger age, so you cannot blame this on bad parenting. Sex, to many people is a hugely personal thing, and most competent parents that trust there children operate there households on a "Don't ask, don't tell" policy. So maybe, just maybe, this isn't the father posting an FML about realizing his daughter may be having sex, but that she shared a little bit more information than was necessary. You also have to consider the possibility that she may have been doing this to **** with her dad.

kellster 2

Dude. Please. Where did I say that sex was something that needed to wait for marriage? My point, which I maybe didn't convey very well, was that if the father was a liberal, reasonable sort who was in favor of his adolescent daughter having sex as a minor (that's just a guess), then he had no right to be shocked here, and should have been glad to hear she was taking precautions. Whereas if he was an old-fashioned, no-sex-before-marriage sort, which it rather sounds like he is, then he failed somewhere. I'm not suggesting that if he'd been more disciplining with the girl, it would have worked. In fact, that approach generally tends to fail. The point here is that she didn't seem to think it was a problem to scream this out in front of him, which either means that he didn't express his opinions on the topic properly, or that she doesn't have enough respect for him to fear his reaction. And if that's the case, then that was his failure to command enough respect in the first place. Do you see what I'm driving at? If she was doing it to yank her dad's chain, then he's simply a spineless wimp who needs to buck up and grow a pair.

DISCIPLINE. Your daughter lacks it. Time for some old-fashioned parental DISCIPLINE.

cms70 0

Like what? Telling her she can't see her boyfriend anymore, must stay pure and sex-free for God, and make her get off the pill? Yeah...thats exactly the kind of stupid shit my family does. Guess what? It NEVER works! *gasp* People need to get a clue and grow some brain cells before becoming parents.