By notawizard - 16/07/2009 10:16 - Spain

Today, my daughter turned 11. Since she LOVES Harry Potter, I decided to write her an acceptance letter to Hogwarts. When she saw the letter, she screamed and showed me. When she found out I wrote it, she told me she hated me, started crying, and stepped on my foot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 346
You deserved it 95 127

Same thing different taste

Top comments

pedegg 0

Okay, everyone seems to be forgetting that eleven year olds ARE idiots. Even if they know the book is fiction, they still WANT it to be real- and if the outside world gives them a glimpse of hope that maybe it's more than fiction, they WILL believe it because they WANT it to be real. I waited for my Hogwarts letter when I was turning eleven. I didn't really think I'd get one, and when I didn't I wasn't crushed, but if I HAD gotten one I'd probably have shit myself. This mother obviously has never been obsessed with something like 11 year olds can be with this book series. That, or she's just a bitch. She should have known better than to have made the poor kid think she was going off to live in a magical world and then taken it away. That's horrible. Just take her to see the damn movie.

mynameisnotjudie 0

WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!?!?!?!?! Ugg I can't even begin to tell you how terrible that is. The poor little girl! An eleven year old really has no way of knowing that was fake because the excitement blinds them ;- )


TNT123 0

Stupid kid, when i was 11 i knew it was fake....

tigress_roar 0

That is SO cruel. (And actually, #1 and #226, they try and deliver through the Muggle post service for all-Muggle families.) for those who say the girl is stupid... When my friends and I were that age, we were all hoping for those letters, but to have received one and then be told it was fake - that would be the WORST disappointment.

caligirl89 0

Your child is really bright?! Howncould she get a letter from hagwarts???

reply to comment #13: WTF?! I'm 11, you fricken jerk! I'm one of the smartest pre-teens in my grade so, STFU. original comment: Yeah, your kid is obviously slow. I believed in all that Harry Potter wizardry crap when I was 7 or 8. At my school, she would be laughed at. FYL for having a stupid kid. (no offense)

The fact that you're claiming to be 11 and are using STFU as well as trying to make yourself sound like you're more than just an eveven-year-old makes me laugh. It reminds me of my little sister when she tries to act all cool in front of me my friends: pathetic, but at the same time it's kind of cute.

0123frick 0

ok, to all the idiots who say that 11 yr olds should know that hogwarts isnt real: YOU SUCK HAIRY BALLS. wen i was 11 i waited eagerly for my hogwarts letter, I convinced myself untilll i was 13 yrs old that the age was different in the us because i wanted it to be real. yeah, its just a book, but for someone who's 11 its a whole nother world that they wish could be realy even though they know it probably isnt. when her daughter got the letter, she was probably ecstastic because for once, after being told that santa, the easter bunny, the tooth fairy, and probably love is just a myth it was an amazing moment where somehting came true for her in a suck ass world that crushes peoples dreams. im sure before she got it she was prettys ure it was fake, but she always held ont that glimmer of hope that it was all real and something good and appy in her life wasnt a practical joke. OP, this was an amazing idea and you seem like such a great mom. i was not your fault at all that she reacted this way, in a few days shell get over the letdwn and be happytha her mother cares about her that much. all the people who are writing negative comments secretly wish their mom did this.

Lucky19 0

Excellent gesture on your part. FYL for the reaction, perhaps its just one of her biggest escapist fantasies and it seemed that it was going to come true. She'll get over it, don't worry.

dramakat11 0

Ok so I don't think an 11 year-old necessarily "should" be able to know such a thing was fake. I'm not judging. But I know that at 11 I loved Harry Potter but I never would have believed that prank for an instant. I understood, as I hope most 11 year olds do, that Harry Potter is a fictional series. I can sort of understand holding a "glimmer of hope" that it's real as #234 said though. Anything's possible... OP: That was a cruel joke to play on your daughter. YDI for sure.

LemonFairy 0

I get you were trying to do it to be nice, but it's clear you've never been that into Harry Potter OP. I waited for my acceptance letter the entire summer I was eleven. When September first rolled around I did cry. If I had been her I definitely would have been pissed, at least at first. She'll obviously calm down and probably think it's cool in a few days, but as far as I'm concerned she was at least somewhat justified. And for everyone calling the kid stupid and slow: she's not stupid or slow. She has hope. She believes in something wonderful so much in the world that she believes in Hogwarts. I believe in Hogwarts. As far as I'm concerned the only reason I didn't get my letter is because I live in the US and the American schools aren't the best at getting their lists organized, since one of the main witchcraft schools is in Salem, where they had to shut down for a number of years for the persecution. (Despite the fact that, if a muggle did ever find a proper witch or wizard to burn they put a simple flame freezing charm on the fire which gave it a gentle, tickling sensation.) So anyway, tl;dr: It was a good idea, but it backfired. Nobody's fault in the end, though definitely disappointing for her. And the rest of the world commenting: learn about HP. Thanks. (Because 231 is right: they use the muggle post system for muggle-born children, and then a staff member is sent to explain the situation to the family.)

11?! Really!? I think the real problem is ur 11 year old believes Hogwarts really exists. She probably gets teased mercilessly...And anyone who believes it's okay for to still believe in this is dillusional. The older she gets the harder it will be for her to trust u after lying to her like this. Keeping kids in fantasy land is why he so many 13-16 year olds pregnant because no one is teaching them REAL life.

NewLight8421 0

at#176 when i was in 3rd grade i had an iq of 128. not all 11 yr olds are retards like you