By notawizard - 16/07/2009 10:16 - Spain

Today, my daughter turned 11. Since she LOVES Harry Potter, I decided to write her an acceptance letter to Hogwarts. When she saw the letter, she screamed and showed me. When she found out I wrote it, she told me she hated me, started crying, and stepped on my foot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 346
You deserved it 95 127

Same thing different taste

Top comments

pedegg 0

Okay, everyone seems to be forgetting that eleven year olds ARE idiots. Even if they know the book is fiction, they still WANT it to be real- and if the outside world gives them a glimpse of hope that maybe it's more than fiction, they WILL believe it because they WANT it to be real. I waited for my Hogwarts letter when I was turning eleven. I didn't really think I'd get one, and when I didn't I wasn't crushed, but if I HAD gotten one I'd probably have shit myself. This mother obviously has never been obsessed with something like 11 year olds can be with this book series. That, or she's just a bitch. She should have known better than to have made the poor kid think she was going off to live in a magical world and then taken it away. That's horrible. Just take her to see the damn movie.

mynameisnotjudie 0

WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!?!?!?!?! Ugg I can't even begin to tell you how terrible that is. The poor little girl! An eleven year old really has no way of knowing that was fake because the excitement blinds them ;- )


That is why you don't let your children indulge in a fantasy so far that they believe it's real.

manoverboard 0

I'm fourteen, and I think Hogwarts is real. There's no reason it CAN'T be. :/ I wish my dad woulda done that with me, even if it was fake. I'm still awaiting my Hogwarts letter.

why the **** doesn't anybody understand what FICTION is anymore? IT'S NOT REAL. all this stems from J.K Rowling's imagination, not every other idiot like you who believes that harry potter and hogwarts is real.

LemonFairy 0

There's no proof it ISN'T real, so why can't it be? Personally, I find the Bible to be a bunch of fictional jargon. Millions of people believe in that and other religious books, which only have a hint of factual basis. (Which, might I add, HP does - there are traces of fictional basis, including locations, though I'll admit the way King's Cross station is set up does not allow for the Platform 9 3/4th entrance Jo described in the novels.) Innocent until proven guilty, real until proven not.

Someone needs to read up on the burden of proof and also about Russell's teapot.

You know, there's also no proof that little flying leprechauns aren't the ones responsible for 9/11, but would you seriously believe if someone told you that they were? What you're using is a common logical fallacy - often called appealing to ignorance, which requires someone to prove something's nonexistence. While this can be done in some cases, it simply cannot in others. That doesn't mean what can't be disproven is true. The burden of proof is on those who claim it's real. Sorry. Also: really? You really believe in the Harry Potter world? Don't you think if a bunch of eleven-year-olds were being taken from their homes and sent to "magical wizardry schools," someone would've picked up on that by now? And why the hell would they let J.K. Rowling blow their cover, were it true?

Also: all hail Flying Spaghetti Monster. I have been touched by his noodly appendage.

thats a shitty thing to do to your kid. =[

FYL for your daughter being an unappreciative little bitch. it was a sweet gesture, and any sane kid would know that her mum was just trying to be cool and encouraging of her imagination. NOT pack her bags and hope to run off some train platform. WHY THE **** ARE KIDS SO STUPID THESE DAYS?!

LemonFairy 0

You enter Hogwarts the September you are eleven. That's why Hermione turned twelve so soon into the school year. (Her birthday is September 19th.) Anyway, as far as believing Hogwarts is real I think the girl is perfectly justified. Or, at least believe in some part of her. We all know it's not, but there's still the hope it is! If she had believed that she would get to meet the trio and everybody else (bar Neville Longbottom), /then/ I would say she's a half-cast spell from a misfired wand. ;)

That's purely awful. I would've done the same thing as your kid if it were me >_> By the way, the new HP movie was insanely awesome; I saw it at the midnight premiere :D

Ur daughters a fkin fag if she thot that was real

annamg 0

Aw, that sucks. You were just trying to do something cute for your kid.

killinmesmalls 0

**** her life once she reaches high school......

dontaskdonttell 0

At 11 I secretly hoped to get a letter from Hogwarts. Kids with big imaginations can sometimes get too into Fiction, trust me, I know. We hope and hope our favorite fiction is real. Something like this would have crushed me also, even knowing before hand it was Fiction. I saw this and immediately thought YDI, because while you were trying to be cute/sweet, it can also be hurtful. Until the hope is truly crushed, it's easier to make believe.