By notawizard - 16/07/2009 10:16 - Spain

Today, my daughter turned 11. Since she LOVES Harry Potter, I decided to write her an acceptance letter to Hogwarts. When she saw the letter, she screamed and showed me. When she found out I wrote it, she told me she hated me, started crying, and stepped on my foot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 346
You deserved it 95 127

Same thing different taste

Top comments

pedegg 0

Okay, everyone seems to be forgetting that eleven year olds ARE idiots. Even if they know the book is fiction, they still WANT it to be real- and if the outside world gives them a glimpse of hope that maybe it's more than fiction, they WILL believe it because they WANT it to be real. I waited for my Hogwarts letter when I was turning eleven. I didn't really think I'd get one, and when I didn't I wasn't crushed, but if I HAD gotten one I'd probably have shit myself. This mother obviously has never been obsessed with something like 11 year olds can be with this book series. That, or she's just a bitch. She should have known better than to have made the poor kid think she was going off to live in a magical world and then taken it away. That's horrible. Just take her to see the damn movie.

mynameisnotjudie 0

WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!?!?!?!?! Ugg I can't even begin to tell you how terrible that is. The poor little girl! An eleven year old really has no way of knowing that was fake because the excitement blinds them ;- )


YDI for allowing your crotchspawn to grow up deluded and idealistic.

thelonelylurker 0

Apologize by telling her that Santa is not real. But yea... educate your child in reality please.

Ugh. Whoever bashes the daughter seems to forget that, even if she's 11, she's still just a kid. She may well know it's a fake book, but if it was something she really wanted and it looked like it was happening, of course a more optimistic child will believe it! Nothing wrong there... if my mom had done that when I was a child I would have been shocked, and yet I might have believed it simply because anything is possible after all and I wouldn't have imagined my mom doing something as pointless as writing a letter of admission to a school that doesn't exist. OP, sure it's good to give gifts based on her interests, but this is kind of a joykiller really... next time maybe you should just give her some HP stickers or video game? As a prank it's fine, but not as a birthday GIFT. So I know your heart was in the right place, but still YDI.

She's 11. Not a baby. She should be grateful her mother would even think to personalize a birthday present. I know lots of parents who don't do that, or don't even give presents to their kids. The mother wasn't crushing her dreams. It wasn't a prank either. The girl's old enough to discern reality from fantasy. Even if she was hoping with all her might that it was real, the reaction was uncalled for. She should feel grateful that her mother put throught into a present for her. TO OP: You should ground that brat until she can grow up.

Wow... I put something similar to this up and it was rejected... except when it happened to me, my sister tried to kill me... with the wand my parents gave her I hate mods

YDI: Hogwarts doesn't admit muggles :P Neh, it really is a difficult decission: for one, she's old enough to know Harry Potter isn't real, BUT... hey, everyone has their illusions, even if they know they can't be done. So yeah, sort of FYL.

I think your child is seriously ill. 0.0 Hitting her over the head with a history book should knock some sense into her.

You are a horrible parent, by that age your daughter should already know the difference between reality and fiction. I just hope you dont have a kid that likes videogames or we'll see you on the news blaming them when he does something stupid. Learn2parent

Wow, this... gave me mixed emotions. I thought it was a nice and cool gesture on your part, so I was happy for a second. Then it pissed me off when your daughter reacted like that. It made me sad that she found out it was from you; but she'd be even more sad if she got it and didn't realize it was fake, and thought she could go (but then of course, couldn't). Mostly, it made me puzzled as to why your daughter would think Harry Potter and Hogwarts are real. I still have mixed feelings about this...

Dude.. that's the meanest thing I've ever heard of. You should have just bought her a replica wand or something. Seriously.. that's just cruel. If my mother had done that to me, I'd never speak to her again. There are some things you don't use to mess with peoples' heads, and this is definitely one of them.

Yeah, maybe if you're an idiot. How is she "messing" with her daughter's head? It's like buying your kid who's really into lord of the rings a replica of the one ring or something. It's a neat little novelty item. Unless the kid's a retard he wont think it's the REAL one ring. How can you even defend such ridiculous and obnoxious behaviour?

LemonFairy 0

Lord of the Rings takes place in Middle Earth, which does not exist in our current universe. Hogwarts is located in an undisclosed location in the European countryside. One does not exist, one does. Plus, the One Ring was destroyed. Ergo, logically in any universe One Ring = not possible. Hogwarts = possible. (Because any muggle who comes across it is going to be obliviated, which could be a reason why there are no muggle accounts. As far as I'm concerned there's nothing but non-believers to prove that Hogwarts doesn't exist, so I will continue to believe. Just like I will continue to warn people not to stand under mistletoe, because it's often infested with nargles.)

You deserved it for having a retared crotchfruit that can't understand Harry Potter is Fiction. Better keep her away from the boys if she's that gulliable.