By Derp-A-Herp - 27/05/2011 05:46 - United States

Today, my genius boyfriend was trying to remember a particular island in the Caribbean that was used by pirates in the past. I offered up Morocco. I heard him facepalm over the phone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 659
You deserved it 55 321

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm surprised you didn't say Disneyland.

jennifer93 0

Yeahhh math isnt my best subject either ;p


And to think that you'd doze off or text in class because you'll never have to use Geography in real life. YDI

I don't even want to know what they are teaching kids in school these days. He should have reached through the phone and slapped you. Buy a world map and then you can slap your own head.

what I want to know is if op is calling her boyfriend a genius out of sarcasm and

ok. first off Morocco is not an island, nor is it anyway near the Caribbean. it is a country located in the north west of Africa. oooohhh facepalm.......

really? morocco? an African nation? try Jamaica, the Bahamas, Bermuda, the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Cuba... and, were you using his facepalm gesture to illustrate his "genius" or yours?

TylersMB 0

haha wow i just did a project on Morocco...and its not an island. hmmm.. i would face palm and hang up if i heard that.

DakotaCat 4

Lol @ 139's comment and name! So outta the left field!

I don't think knowing Morocco is not an island nor in the Caribbean makes your boyfriend a genius.

HE obviously knows Morocco is not an island, hence why he facepalmed when she said it.

kc1997kc 9

she is saying that knowledge doesn't make him a genius.

blahman52 2

Most Americans lack any real knowledge of world geography, the news, math and science, and generally what the hell is going on in the world.... signed a guy who actually graduated top ten percent in high school.... its rare to see people go to college anymore with a real degree ? even do a masters ? sigh.

kc1997kc 9

It's not just Americans, that is a stereotype. I happen to be fairly adept at all of those things. Just think how stupid the average person is. By definition half the world's population is dumber than that! The rest of us are screwed.

quite_bored 9

You actually are right, I have met quite the ignorant crowd in my life, especially in Virginia. We're in the seemingly 5% of competent Americans.