By Anonymous - 17/01/2011 01:28 - United States

Today, my girlfriend and I were about to have sex for the first time. We are both virgins. After we kissed and I took down my pants, she screamed and said "That THING is going to break me." We never did it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 110
You deserved it 7 029

Same thing different taste

Top comments

fudgepirate 0

be happy that u have a big dick!! many guys would be jealous!


Bummer, you scared her with your size! As you go through life, most of your lovers will like it. and this story will become funnier and funnier!

ilovejeland 0

this is hilarious...big ups to you for not having a millimeter Peter !

ensfast 0

lmaooooooo relax pal, it's okay to lie to yourself and say it's big. but when you start lying to others that it's big now that's just rude.

rockarolln89 0

next time just lube it up, and hammer away. you'll never hear that again.

maybe you both have some room to mature before you do it

Maybe op is the son of Wolverine and spikes come out of his ****!

hghiPigh 0

and? what's your point.. ? that you have a big dick?

Come on bro, that just means you're huge. Be proud and flop it on her shoulder or something

keenster 0

hey, it's not a bad thing to be well endowed