By HotCurry - 05/09/2009 04:57 - United States

Today, my girlfriend, her grandma, and I were leaving her house to eat lunch. I stubbed my toe on the door while exiting. It hurt, so I stood there shortly in pain. I heard my girlfriend's grandma call me a "pansy". I later saw blood and took off my shoe. My whole toenail had come off of my big toe. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 169
You deserved it 3 536

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Jeez, and still some people think you deserve it. D:

OhhxGoshhxAri 0

That's so gross. It really hurts too. But you must have hit your foot pretty hard to make the whole toenail come off! Ugh. It makes me sick just thinking about that image. Gross. ):


Yikes. I lost my big toe nail before too... Sore for a while, and not to mention everything feels damned weird against the top of your toe until it grows back. Nothing to get sick about, though, everyone. Seriously, not horribly gross... just weird.

suzh824 0

My big toe nail was once ripped off by a heating vent. Theres a huge difference between losing a toe nail after it dies and turns black than having it ripped off by something and it bleeding. It hurts so much and there's really nothing that can be done about it except wait it out until it starts growing back.

Once the toenail on my left big toe just sort of...slid off. It didn't hurt, and the skin under it was already healed, so I still don't know why it came off. I didn't hit it on anything and my toe didn't hurt before so I know I didn't have an ingrown toenail or anything... *shrug*

Also, once a neighbor's pitbull bit my dad's thumb and ripped his thumbnail off. The site of the raw soggy skin underneath was nauseating.

youthink_fml 0

maybe she just thinks you're a pansy, stubbing your toe or not.

LBUJenni_18 0

I got dizzy from thinking of that. 0___o I felt like I was gonna faint... -shudders- eewwaaga!

Hawk3487 0

I've lost my toenail like that b4.. only i didn't stub my toe, but was at work and pulling my cart full of water bottles (can't push, one of the dipshitty rules) and for whatever reason, the front wheel ran over my foot. (i know, i deserved it). hurt like hell! good luck walking, driving (if its ur right foot), putting on socks and shoes... even taking a shower is painful cuz the water lands on the toe and that skin is MUCH more sensitive. Took almost a year for the nail to grow back fully. Hope you went to the doc for that.

ive lost a nail like that before. it was my little toe, so it was probably less than half as painful as yours.