By Anonymous - 02/08/2014 04:00 - United States - Houston

Today, my girlfriend interrupted my proposal to take a selfie with the ice cream I had just bought her. She then said no. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 169
You deserved it 6 472

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like the best thing that's ever happened to you.

ouch, sorry that happened OP! there is no doubt about it there are better out there for you. Keep your head up!


I dunno about you, but I wouldn't want to be married to someone who thinks selfies are that important.

I can see the selfie caption, "this is the ice cream he got me right before I turned down his marriage proposal. #lmfao #lol #need a new man to buy me ice cream." Sorry, op. You're better off.

Sounds like you're better off without her.

i like the FMLs that are kind of a double FML, like this one, it makes you think, "well that sucks", and then something even worse happens, haha. so yeah, FYLx2

I hope now ex gf. Ok that she said no but the selfie mid-proposal shows how shallow and insensitive she is

You deserve better OP. Hopefully you ate something other than ice cream during your emotional recovery

You prob don't want to marry someone who is so self-centered that they interrupt you to take a selfie I say you dodged a bullet but it still sucks!

I think she's to younger for you bro. like is she 13? poor you though. next time date someone with more maturity

Omegapi197 12

Not all people want to get married. Plus maybe it was just too soon for her. For all we know Op may have proposed after a week or what not. Though interrupting a proposal to take a picture is rude! OP if you continue to date her at least she seems more excited by Ice cream then Jewlwery.