By ALL PRAISE TO THE NIGHT MOTHER - 29/01/2016 21:19 - United States - East Greenbush

Today, my girlfriend lost one of her rings. I found this out as I overheard her gushing to her friend about how I must have borrowed it to find out what her ring size is. I have zero interest whatsoever in the sick and utterly immoral institution of marriage. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 205
You deserved it 27 628

Same thing different taste

Top comments

First, the fact that you don't like marriage doesn't make it sick or immoral. Second unless you have made it amply clear to your partner that you don't ever want to get married, they are entitled to think that if things go well, the relationship will eventually lead to marriage. Your girlfriend seems oblivious of the fact that you're so anti-marriage, so it's a **** her life from me

Then maybe you should let her know that so she doesn't keep waiting for something that's not going to happen.


Jets4Life89 4

Noone is gonna side with you when you sound like a pessimistic twat, FYI I am a dude and I know you sound like a douche.

^This so much. I understand and agree with the OP about not being interested to marry and we don't know if OP already brought his stand on marriage up to his GF (she might have dismissed it or might hold her hopes up). Still, I voted YDI because of that last sentence.

Why not? You don't have to get married to love someone and want to be with them.

#46, but you should be honest about your expectations!

cheshireau 26

I hope you inform her of this soon. If not, she might be rather upset with you for not discussing it with her.

elizacandle 29

maybe it's time to talk about that? especially if you been together for more than a couple of years

Been a long time since I read an FML whose poster sounded like this big of an asshole. YDI.

Preach it, 21!! He sounds like too much of a puss to be up front and communicate to her abut it, too. Ugh. What a douchecanoe.

Steve97 32

I think OP is the "sick and utterly immoral" one here...

That is some intense baggage. Share it with her so she understands or get over it. Wasting the time and emotional investment of someone by hiding that sort of thing is never acceptable behavior. You just don't treat a girl like that.

Bostern 29

It should really be praise Sithis.

you are completely entitled to feel that way. but you have no right to do that to a person. although, I'm getting the impression she's a bit over the top. you guys obviously haven't shared your views on marriage yet she's just assuming things like that? -people can be together forever without getting married. not everyone goes into a relationship with the outcome goal as 'marriage' but, just to be happy with their soul mate and whatnot

If they are "together forever" then their relationship is considered marriage any way. It's called common-law marriage - a man and woman live together and present themselves publicly as a married couple for a certain amount of time, they are legally considered to be married to each other. I don't remember what the amount of time is; probably varies by jurisdiction.

...@ #29, if I could give your comment 10 thumbs up, I would!

You sir deserve a medal, for your name if nothing else

Dang, not sure why you got thumbed down to hell, maybe it's because you're bad luck :/