By ALL PRAISE TO THE NIGHT MOTHER - 29/01/2016 21:19 - United States - East Greenbush

Today, my girlfriend lost one of her rings. I found this out as I overheard her gushing to her friend about how I must have borrowed it to find out what her ring size is. I have zero interest whatsoever in the sick and utterly immoral institution of marriage. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 204
You deserved it 27 621

Same thing different taste

Top comments

First, the fact that you don't like marriage doesn't make it sick or immoral. Second unless you have made it amply clear to your partner that you don't ever want to get married, they are entitled to think that if things go well, the relationship will eventually lead to marriage. Your girlfriend seems oblivious of the fact that you're so anti-marriage, so it's a **** her life from me

Then maybe you should let her know that so she doesn't keep waiting for something that's not going to happen.


Everyone seems to be hating on OP, but for all we know they've been dating for a week. Or he told her about it but she's now assumed it was all a front so he could surprise her. Or he's told her but she thought if she hung around long enough she could change his mind. Sure OP has some strong views on marriage but clearly we all do otherwise no one would be hating on him about it. So, you know, chill the **** out.

Well said. Dated a woman who told me that if I didn't marry her within 3 years of us officially dating she would find a man that would. I even told her before we dated that I was against marriage. She told me I would change my mind after a year. She finally found a man to marry, not me though.

Maybe you should tell her that, she obviously wants to get married and if that's not what you want she should have the chance to move on with someone who does. And as a non-religious married woman of 10 years I can tell you marriage is neither sick nor immoral. Don't knock down something you know nothing about.

tarlax 11

How do you know he knows nothing about marriage? It's very possible he's been married before and formed his extreme and slightly weird opinion of it from that.

That escalated quickly! I'm sure you care about her OP but this really is a double edged sword. Either you lead her on or she gets her heart broken. Good luck.

Okay so how can you have such a strong opinion on marriage without her knowing???? Like don't you talk about stuff like that at all???? YDI.

Yer because it's all about you and what you want. It's best to tell her that so you don't waste her time.

Dude totally sounds like something you need to talk about. Plus I will never understand why people hate on marriage so much. I feel sorry for her not you

Agree with others. He's kind of leading her on, and she clearly doesn't see it as sick and immoral. Unfortunately your interests conflict, so FYL, and FHL.