By Anonymous - 01/08/2013 07:36 - United States - Goodyear

Today, my girlfriend of 3 weeks gave me an ultimatum: marry her, or she kills herself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 74 449
You deserved it 6 396

Same thing different taste

Top comments

superman21_fml 19

Who else hates it when you accidentally hit the "you deserve it" button


When people do that it's to control you ik it's really scary; but personally, I would tell someone and make sure that she's okay depending on what you decide to do: stay or leave. Good luck OP

CallMeMcFeelii 13

It's definitely a scary situation. Something similar happened to me, minus the marrying part, and I had no choice but to go to her and at least try to sort the shit out. I couldn't imagine having a death on my conscious. I know they act like that for the attention, but you never know when they could be serious, emotions really **** up your judgement. The three week dating period makes it seem like she's just out for the attention though.

yourmurderscenex 13

I've had two ex boyfriends say they were going to kill themselves if I continued with the break up. they're still alive and kicking. it's all about the control and if she attempts it to get attention, they have places for people like that. highly doubt she will though.

#155. I had a very distant cousin actually shoot himself in the head with a .22 rifle over a girl. I didn't know him very well, just saying sometimes they actually go through with it. That said, if I were OP I would leave because shes bonkers. I would let someone know to keep an eye in her but beyond that it's not my problem. I would put my money on this couple being about 15 years old and her being full of shit.

Leave Jack Kevorkian's phone number on the table as you get away from this mixed bag of nuts. Then, when you are settled in like witness protection, scan the obits to see if she made good...or...she was kidding. your choice!

If she's this dramatic now, could you imagine your first marital argument?

Wowxoxo 17

"Take out the trash or I'm blowing up your car!"

"Tell me I'm beautiful or I'm throwing acid on you"

"Go down on me or I'm sacrificing you to Satan"

"Mow the lawn or I will mow your soul!!!!"

Run dude, if someone is that crazy she might even harm you if she can't guildtrip you into marriage...

Is there a psychiatric hospital or help in the area? She is threatening to kill herself, call in the pros.

What if she breaks out of the hospital and hunts OP down, and marries him by force but she makes him wear the dress?!?! :O

Ari1337 15

what an active imagination you have.

WompWompWomp123 7

Now you have an excuse to go buy some new clothes for her funeral.

move and tell no one where you've gone. this will be hard but crazy like that will stalk your ass.

Or act like a horrible boyfriend and maybe she'll just leave. No marriage or nut job. If that doesn't work then FYL