By InDisbelief - 12/04/2013 20:17 - United States - Racine

Today, my girlfriend's parents were out of town, so I stayed the night, hoping for some fun. Somehow, we started talking about conspiracy theories, and she spent the next half hour ranting at me about how Osama bin Laden is really still alive. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 405
You deserved it 15 506

Same thing different taste

Top comments

quincykid23 6

**** blocked by Osama? Never heard of that happening before...

Sounds like y'all had lots and lots of fun...


That sucks... But we as Americans do deserve to right to know if he is actually dead.

Should have just put on a movie. Movies always lead to sex!

Oh well, at least you have a go-to subject if awkward silences arise in the future! Just let her go on about it while you zone out

Working at 7-11 with Elvis and Jim Morrison, no doubt.

girlymae 12

Well at least you got to know her before potentially creating offspring....

sukeforth 9