By Surprisebuttsecks? - 07/12/2011 04:39 - Canada

Today, my girlfriend shoved a Q-tip up my ass while I was brushing my teeth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 318
You deserved it 7 418

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jpoole 4

It sounds like you guys are doing it wrong. Try it up her ass??


perdix 29

Was she getting you ready for a salad tossing? She saw you cleaning out you mouth to make it nice and fresh for kissing her. Perhaps she wanted to clean out another recreational area ;) If you don't know what salad-tossing is, let we warn you: if you look it up, you'll never hear the Frasier theme song the same again.

Buttsexpirate 9

She's a future pirate in the waiting. Argh. Prepare to see her soon on the booty seas.

gigglebot11 0

Why were you brushing your teeth naked?

She wants you to get an idea of how anal feels

If that is how anal feels to OP's girlfriend, then OP must have the smallest freaking penis that's ever existed.

X3liteXHunterX 12

Well 74 is asian so that explains a lot.

Ydi for leaving your ass accessible while brushing your teeth.

She's tryin to show ya how it feelz wen u shove ur tip up her

That's a good way to start your gay live next will be a pen

Sethro 1