By devilboy - 06/07/2011 11:26 - Australia

Today, my girlfriend who was planning on waiting until marriage for sex decided to have sex with me. It's been 4 hours and she hasn't stopped crying, praying and calling me the devil's temptation. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 145
You deserved it 18 028

Same thing different taste

Top comments

aprilita 8

To console her by making love to her ;)


Tyurguy 0

Bitch needs to blame her probs on someone else... Good job on ur part. High five on gettin her cherry. Lol

you are both at fault! she should have shown more self control if she really felt that way; however, if you cared about her you would have accepted her views and not taken advantage of a weak moment. the blame belongs to both

Tell her that it feels much better the second time and stick it in her butt. Then she'll really have something to cry about.

Who cares, nothing bad for u in this situation

tom_es 3
Brdluvr 0

Get down on one knee and propose! Shell feel better