By ch - 04/03/2009 05:40 - United States

Today, my grandmother patched up my $300, vintage, limited edition, designer jeans because she thought I'd accidentally ripped them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 307
You deserved it 90 321

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well thats what you get for buying $300 jeans.

Maybe now you can reflect on how absurd it is to spend $300 on Jeans that are ripped, simply because they are "trendy"...


Yeah, I have $300 jeans as well. I have a lot of other expensive clothing, yeah I'm spoiled. What difference does it make to you? None at all. How is the fact that I like to spend money on expensive clothing in any way relevant to how smart I am? While I say this and I do feel for the OP, it's not that big an issue and is easily rectified.

so rip it back open if you cant handle that...or do you absolutely need your $300 ripped up jeans to be ripped up in JUST the perfect way!? If so, **** your life, and **** you.

You deserve that one for buying a $300 pants that looks like it's been around for years... seriously... do you have a brain, and if you do, are you using it?

i am guessing this was a girl who wrote this... and i don't think a girl is going to go out and "WORK and WEAR" her jeans to get holes in them... if she has $300 to spend on jeans, then who cares let her spend it.. she's probably rich and no female in their right mind should buy jeans at walmart.

and... 211: "The decision to buy $300 jeans shows a lack intelligence. They don't look or feel any better than a normal pair of jeans (I am not talking about Wal-Mart), in fact they look worse. Clothes of that nature look purposeful and cheaply done, the tears don't look natural and the fade job looks irregular and misshapen. It's akin to paying $1000 for a laptop that originally costs $500." I don't know what designer jeans you are referring to when you say they "don't look natural and the fade job looks irregular and misshapen." Have you personally analyzed every pair of $300 vintage designer jeans? Because if not your statement is a gross overgeneralization... I own multiple pairs of designer jeans (they didn't cost close to $300).. and I think they fit much more comfortably than jeans from american eagle, hollister, abercrombie, etc do... those jeans are like $50-$70, and honestly, I'd rather pay $150 for a pair jeans that fit great and look better

have you heard of a seam ripper? get one at a fabric/craft store and you can undo all your grandma's modifications, in fact, she probably has one you can borrow... haha I love vintage stuff and ripped up jeans are cool despite what the 200+ old people have said above.... and I will assume it is YOUR hard earned money, so just one question.... What the hell was your grandma doing with your pants in the first place? Do you live with her or does she do your laundry? If so, you are in fact lame and immature and you need to do smarter shit with your dough$ -out

Aww.. Thats really sweet of your grandmother. Its really not her fault though. Shes not "with the times". Be sure not to scold her, she meant well.

OKAY. First off, she didn't say "anything like "Today, i stopped being thankful for my grandmother because she accidently patched up my jeans. FML" OR "Today, my grandmother patched up my jeans that are SUPPOSED to be ripped. FMG (grandmother instead of life) okay? So stop saying that she's not grateful. Being annoyed with her at something and being unrgateful for her are two different things. I'm pretty sure you have been annoyed at someone you care about. AND, who said SHE paid for it? It could have been a gift, she could have shoplifted them , who the **** knows. And we all come from different social classes, if she has the money who knows maybe she worked for it and saved it up, if she wants jeans and you want a gutiar, its because you two are two different people. Like getting a guitar is gunna help the economy any better than expensive jeans will. She likes fashion, you like music. Get over it. Geez.